As a strategic marketing agency, we’re always asking “What’s the best approach to take to grow your business?” Through our entire process, that’s the question we focus on and strive to answer for you. Marketing strategy first and foremost.

Woman talking in a team meeting;

Components of Top-Tier Marketing Strategy

Research for Marketing Strategy

One of the first steps to strategic marketing is research. At E29 we synthesize primary and secondary data into comprehensive accounts that can identify any gaps in your understandings about your brand. We can then design and analyze quantitative and qualitative studies to fill those gaps for you if needed.

Brand Assessments

Do consumers think of your brand the way you want them to? Through various metrics stemming from consumer surveys, web analytics, social listening, sales data and competitive mapping our strategic approach can help you answer that question, as well as take action where needed.

Competitive Mapping

We thoroughly assess the competitive landscape to both: 1) show where the strategic market opportunities may be present; and 2) to aid in measuring your brand’s performance over time.

Insights Generation

Turning large amounts of data into something simple, fresh and actionable is how we at E29 uncover insights. We then use these realizations to fuel the ideation process for the work that will move your brand forward. This marketing strategy is a proven winner.


Both short and long-term goals are considered when we think about how best to fulfill your needs. Our planners come from varying disciplines – business management, branding, creative conceptors and designers, media, search and social – to tackle your strategic marketing challenges from every angle.