Consumers expect to be able to buy whatever, from whoever, whenever they choose.

“Going shopping” is becoming antiquated, as is amassing large amounts of stuff. Shoppers today, for the most part, seek experiences over possessions. How can your CPG brand, be it a legacy or emerging, remain relevant as technology, lifestyle choices, new shopping behaviors and attitudes toward consumption continue to transform? These are some of the things we take into account with every CPG client engagement we undertake.

Consumer Packaged Goods Marketing. Drinks Section at the Store

Consumers expect to be able to buy whatever, from whoever, whenever they choose.

“Going shopping” is becoming antiquated, as is amassing large amounts of stuff. Shoppers today, for the most part, seek experiences over possessions. How can your CPG brand, be it a legacy or emerging, remain relevant as technology, lifestyle choices, new shopping behaviors and attitudes toward consumption continue to transform? These are some of the things we take into account with every CPG client engagement we undertake.

Premium Tuna Recipe Dish

Our client Genova Seafood is premium and sustainable tuna brand who is in Chicken of the Sea’s portfolio. E29 Marketing has supported them through their brand awareness and third party endorsements efforts.

Our client Genova Seafood is premium and sustainable tuna brand who is in Chicken of the Sea’s portfolio. E29 Marketing has supported them through their brand awareness and third party endorsements efforts.