Compelling creative is no longer enough for brands to win in today’s marketplace. Leveraging marketing analytics is what’s driving results. E29 has fully embraced this mindset so we can clearly reveal the stories numbers can tell.

Close-up of a businessman's hand analyzing graph on laptop at workplace

The Full Suite of Marketing Analytics Capabilities

KPI Selection/Tracking

Ever wonder which metrics are true indicators of a campaign’s performance? Do you have trouble tracking and analyzing your KPIs, then optimizing your campaigns, all in a timely fashion? At E29, marketing analytics are at the core of how we add value to your business. Let us demonstrate how we may be able to assist you.

Data Visualization

Have you ever been presented with charts and graphs that, well, confuse or tell you nothing? Our promise to all clients is our marketing analytics uses data visualization that any marketer can understand.

Marketing Effectiveness/Attribution Modeling

It’s critical to know which of your marketing efforts are delivering the highest returns and achieving other company goals. Whether you’re in need of a correlation analysis or a full marketing mix/attribution model, E29’s marketing analytics team can provide a cost-efficient and highly effective solution.

Actionable Insights

We don’t just toss data out there. That’s not value. Value at E29 means delivering actionable insights that align with business objectives, forwarded through reports that can be interpreted by anyone. That is after all the purpose of marketing analytics.