Earning Trust: Confidence in the Media in Today's Divisive Climate

Overview: Earning Trust in Today’s Climate

People are currently living in the age of fake news and social media outrage. All this has led to general trust issues among consumers. Which posts on social media are trustworthy and which are not? The lack of trust has begun to extend beyond just the walls of Facebook or Twitter as well.

Mainstream media companies are facing accusations of fake news and viewers are questioning if what they are watching is true, false, or a mixture of the two.

These trust issues are also extending to brands that utilize media for their marketing efforts. In fact, a recent study shows that only 48% of people actually trust businesses. This is a sharp decline from only a decade earlier.

Today, more than ever, businesses must earn the trust of consumers in order to be successful. Brands that measure trust and incorporate trust-building activities into their marketing efforts will see better results both long-term and short-term.

In the following chapters, you will learn how brands are building trust in the era of fake news to buck the trend of declining consumer confidence. Most importantly, you will understand how to apply these methods to your own marketing in order to grow the confidence of your own customers.