Client: Evivo

The first and only clinically-proven probiotic for babies.

Evivo Baby Gut Check Banner


Create a proxy for a medical device not yet commercially available.

Evolve BioSystems developed the first-ever rapid response prototype test for measuring levels of Bifidobacterium (good bacteria) in baby’s gut microbiome.

Once commercially available, the test would serve as proof that baby suffers from dysbiosis (too much bad bacteria in the gut), and aid in driving sales of the company’s infant probiotic, Evivo.

While the test moves through FDA approval however, a proxy for measuring gut bacteria was needed.

Strategic Solution

The answer to three simple questions could help new moms determine if baby’s gut may contain too much bad bacteria and thus need the only clinically proven probiotic to restore the good bacteria – Evivo.

Campaign support to get the message out to the masses included an evidence report moms could print and take to their pediatricians to discuss, as well as digital, social and influencer advertising. All media drives to an interactive web page where the quiz itself can be taken.


Baby Gut Check Carousel Social Ad
Baby Gut Check Social Mockup


Baby Gut Check Digital Display Banner
Baby Gut Check Digital Display Banner
Baby Gut Check Digital Display Banner
Baby Gut Check Digital Display Banner


Baby Gut Check Webpage


Evivo Influencer Content


Baby Gut Check Infographic


Five months post-launch we’ve seen:

  • 41,243 Unique Page Views
  • 422 Transactions
  • 1.02% Conversion Rate